Current Conditions
04:00:00 CDT
58.3 Fahrenheit
Dew Point:
McAlister Farm, Lincoln County, TN
Latitude 35o 3' 52"
Longitude 86o 35' 29"
Elevation 913 feet

For more information about this weather station. This site is part of the USDA NRCS SCAN network, and is operated in cooperation with the Alabama A & M University ALMNet.

Meteogram Produced by GNUPLOT 5.4 patchlevel 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 09/09 04:00 09/09 06:00 09/09 08:00 09/09 10:00 09/09 12:00 09/09 14:00 09/09 16:00 09/09 18:00 09/09 20:00 09/09 22:00 09/10 00:00 09/10 02:00 09/10 04:00 0 90 180 270 360 Alabama A & M University Miles per hr Degrees Wind Wind Gust Gust Direction Direction 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 09/09 04:00 09/09 06:00 09/09 08:00 09/09 10:00 09/09 12:00 09/09 14:00 09/09 16:00 09/09 18:00 09/09 20:00 09/09 22:00 09/10 00:00 09/10 02:00 09/10 04:00 0 25 50 75 100 Alabama A & M University Deg Fahrenheit % Humidity Temp Temp Dew Pt Dew Pt Humidity Humidity