Hodges, Marshall County, AL
Climate Data for April 13, 2006
Date/Time Temp RelHum Wind Gust Dir Rain SolR SVM2" STmp2" SVM4" STmp4" SVM8" STmp8" SVM20" STmp20" SVM40" STmp40"
4/13/2006 00:00:0052.
4/13/2006 01:00:0051.
4/13/2006 02:00:0050.
4/13/2006 03:00:0049.
4/13/2006 04:00:0048.
4/13/2006 05:00:0048.
4/13/2006 06:00:0048.
4/13/2006 07:00:0053.
4/13/2006 08:00:0065.
4/13/2006 09:00:0071.
4/13/2006 10:00:0073.
4/13/2006 11:00:0075.
4/13/2006 12:00:0077.
4/13/2006 13:00:0078.40.07.312.500.0086018.966.613.
4/13/2006 14:00:0079.70.06.712.300.0078918.768.012.964.626.260.630.258.134.756.3
4/13/2006 15:00:0079.90.07.511.500.0066318.469.112.565.526.
4/13/2006 16:00:0080.
4/13/2006 17:00:0079.
4/13/2006 18:00:0075.
4/13/2006 19:00:0066.
4/13/2006 20:00:0061.
4/13/2006 21:00:0059.
4/13/2006 22:00:0056.
4/13/2006 23:00:0055.

Temperature in degrees Fahrenheit, wind speed in miles per hour, precipitation in inches, and pressure in inches of mercury.