Livingston, University of West Alabama, Sumter County, AL
Climate Data for October 10, 2017
Date/Time Temp RelHum Wind Gust Dir Rain SolR SVM2" STmp2" SVM4" STmp4" SVM8" STmp8" SVM20" STmp20" SVM40" STmp40"
10/10/2017 00:00:0075.798.00.63.4740.00140.275.740.070.239.775.935.574.541.472.7
10/10/2017 01:00:0075.798.00.83.91210.00140.275.740.170.339.775.935.774.541.472.7
10/10/2017 02:00:0075.998.00.63.7880.00140.175.740.070.339.675.935.574.741.572.7

Temperature in degrees Fahrenheit, wind speed in miles per hour, precipitation in inches, and pressure in inches of mercury.