Selma, Dallas County, AL
Climate Data for September 03, 2022
Date/Time Temp RelHum Wind Gust Dir Rain SolR SVM2" STmp2" SVM4" STmp4" SVM8" STmp8" SVM20" STmp20" SVM40" STmp40"
9/3/2022 00:00:0075.
9/3/2022 01:00:0074.
9/3/2022 02:00:0075.
9/3/2022 03:00:0075.
9/3/2022 04:00:0075.
9/3/2022 05:00:0074.
9/3/2022 06:00:0075.
9/3/2022 07:00:0076.
9/3/2022 08:00:0079.90.02.310.5560.003307.479.27.780.19.680.414.479.515.079.2
9/3/2022 09:00:0081.
9/3/2022 10:00:0081.
9/3/2022 11:00:0083.
9/3/2022 12:00:0086.
9/3/2022 13:00:0087.
9/3/2022 14:00:0087.
9/3/2022 15:00:0086.90.02.312.7470.003067.784.67.882.49.682.414.379.514.979.2
9/3/2022 16:00:0086.20.02.310.61130.002737.684.07.882.99.682.414.579.515.179.2
9/3/2022 17:00:0085.
9/3/2022 18:00:0080.
9/3/2022 19:00:0077.50.01.911.91850.0007.382.47.982.49.182.414.580.115.179.2
9/3/2022 20:00:0077.
9/3/2022 21:00:0076.
9/3/2022 22:00:0075.
9/3/2022 23:00:0074.

Temperature in degrees Fahrenheit, wind speed in miles per hour, precipitation in inches, and pressure in inches of mercury.