Gadsden, Municipal Airport, Etowah County, AL
Climate Data for August 02, 2003
Date/Time (GMT) Temp DewPt RelH Wind Gust Dir Prcp Pres
8/2/2003 00:15:0071.669.
8/2/2003 00:55:0071.669.
8/2/2003 01:15:0071.669.
8/2/2003 01:35:0069.869.
8/2/2003 01:55:0069.868.
8/2/2003 02:15:0069.868.
8/2/2003 02:35:0069.868.
8/2/2003 02:55:0069.868.
8/2/2003 03:15:0069.866.
8/2/2003 03:35:0069.866.
8/2/2003 03:55:0069.866.
8/2/2003 04:15:0069.866.
8/2/2003 04:35:0069.866.
8/2/2003 05:15:0069.868.
8/2/2003 05:35:0069.868.
8/2/2003 05:55:0069.869.
8/2/2003 06:15:0069.869.
8/2/2003 06:35:0071.669.
8/2/2003 06:55:0071.669.
8/2/2003 07:15:0071.669.
8/2/2003 07:35:0071.671.
8/2/2003 07:55:0071.671.
8/2/2003 08:15:0071.671.
8/2/2003 08:35:0073.471.
8/2/2003 08:55:0073.471.
8/2/2003 09:15:0075.
8/2/2003 09:35:0075.
8/2/2003 09:55:0077.
8/2/2003 10:15:0078.873.
8/2/2003 10:35:0078.873.
8/2/2003 10:55:0080.673.
8/2/2003 11:15:0080.673.
8/2/2003 11:35:0082.473.
8/2/2003 11:55:0082.473.
8/2/2003 12:55:0084.
8/2/2003 13:15:0086.
8/2/2003 13:35:0087.871.
8/2/2003 13:55:0087.871.
8/2/2003 14:15:0087.871.
8/2/2003 14:35:0087.869.
8/2/2003 14:55:0087.869.
8/2/2003 15:15:0087.869.
8/2/2003 15:35:0087.868.
8/2/2003 15:55:0087.869.
8/2/2003 16:15:0087.868.
8/2/2003 16:35:0084.
8/2/2003 17:15:0084.
8/2/2003 17:35:0084.
8/2/2003 17:55:0082.469.
8/2/2003 18:15:0082.469.
8/2/2003 18:35:0082.469.
8/2/2003 18:55:0082.469.
8/2/2003 19:15:0080.671.
8/2/2003 19:35:0078.871.
8/2/2003 19:55:0078.871.
8/2/2003 20:15:0078.871.
8/2/2003 20:35:0077.
8/2/2003 20:55:0075.
8/2/2003 21:15:0073.471.
8/2/2003 21:35:0073.471.
8/2/2003 21:55:0073.471.
8/2/2003 22:15:0073.471.
8/2/2003 22:35:0073.471.
8/2/2003 22:55:0073.471.
8/2/2003 23:15:0075.
8/2/2003 23:35:0073.471.
8/2/2003 23:55:0073.471.

Temperature in degrees Fahrenheit, wind speed in miles per hour, precipitation in inches, and pressure in inches of mercury.