Gadsden, Municipal Airport, Etowah County, AL
Climate Data for November 25, 2023
Date/Time (GMT) Temp DewPt RelH Wind Gust Dir Prcp Pres
11/25/2023 00:56:0044.
11/25/2023 01:56:0039.936.
11/25/2023 02:56:0039.
11/25/2023 03:56:0037.
11/25/2023 04:56:0036.
11/25/2023 05:56:0034.
11/25/2023 06:56:0033.
11/25/2023 07:56:0032.030.995.
11/25/2023 08:56:0030.930.9100.
11/25/2023 09:56:0030.030.0100.
11/25/2023 10:56:0030.030.0100.
11/25/2023 11:56:0030.030.0100.
11/25/2023 12:56:0030.930.9100.
11/25/2023 13:56:0039.939.
11/25/2023 14:56:0048.943.
11/25/2023 15:56:0054.
11/25/2023 16:56:0057.945.
11/25/2023 17:56:0061.
11/25/2023 18:56:0062.
11/25/2023 19:56:0064.
11/25/2023 20:56:0064.
11/25/2023 21:56:0062.139.943.05.00.01500.0030.13
11/25/2023 22:56:0055.
11/25/2023 23:56:0052.

Temperature in degrees Fahrenheit, wind speed in miles per hour, precipitation in inches, and pressure in inches of mercury.