Montgomery, Maxwell Air Force Base, Montgomery County, AL
Climate Data for May 28, 2005
Date/Time (GMT) Temp DewPt RelH Wind Gust Dir Prcp Pres
5/28/2005 07:55:0071.666.
5/28/2005 08:57:0077.
5/28/2005 09:57:0082.464.
5/28/2005 10:55:0084.
5/28/2005 11:55:0086.
5/28/2005 12:55:0087.860.
5/28/2005 13:55:0089.662.
5/28/2005 14:55:0087.862.
5/28/2005 15:57:0087.862.

Temperature in degrees Fahrenheit, wind speed in miles per hour, precipitation in inches, and pressure in inches of mercury.